a division of Gustavo Preston Company

BioTech Company Replaces Failing Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)


Gustavo Preston recently welcomed a new bio/pharma customer that was experiencing a problem with their duplex domestic water booster system. The existing system had a malfunctioning older variable frequency drive (VFD), with this malfunctioning VFD one of the two pumps would not work. This meant that one pump was sustaining the water pressure of the entire building. The simple fix would be to replace the broken VFD, however, due to its age, almost 20 years old, parts were not available for repair and the concern was that a new VFD might have problems communicating with the older existing VFD. Instead of replacing both VFD’s on a 20-year-old domestic water booster system the customer decided to replace the entire booster system with a new system.

Old domestic water booster 

The customer ran 24/7/365 schedule which meant that the older domestic water booster could not be shut down for any period of time to install the new system. To keep the water flowing, a temporary WILO simplex water booster system was purchased by the customer as well.  This was used to maintain water pressure while the new duplex water booster system was installed. In one day, the temporary simplex water booster was installed, the old domestic duplex water booster was removed, and a new WILO duplex water booster was installed and started up.

Without interruption of their business, this customer doesn’t need to worry about malfunctioning VFD’s or loss of water pressure. The Gustavo Preston service group successfully installed a new system without any interruption in business for the customer.

Temporary Simplex Water Booster Pump

New WILO Duplex domestic water booster 

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